The ProjecTeka Studio deals with the mechanical design of Industrial Plants, Skids and Packages.
Sectors where we have gained a long experience: Energy, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas and Food and Beverage.
In particular, with our expertise we can provide the full design of:
- Flare Package
- Fuel Gas Skid
- Pump Skid
- Chemical Dosing Skid
- Filtration Skid
- Compression Skid
- Water Reverse Osmosis
- BioGas Upgrating
Starting from the customer’s specifications such as: P&ID (Piping and Instruments Diagram), Piping Specification, Piping Class & Branch Table, Instruments Hook Up, we are able to design the system from scratch by offering unique and tailor-made solutions that adapt to the customer’s needs.
We have in-depth knowledge of the world of piping. We design in accordance with ASME and EN standards.

SKIDs are compact plant where space must be optimized, particular attention is paid to the layout study to ensure the best accessibility of all components such as: valves, instruments, Junction Boxes, etc …
All the design is developed internally at the studio, both the structural part (base frame and supports) and the process part (piping, tubing …).
When the project is approved by the final customer, we move from 3D modeling to the realization of construction drawings. If requested, we produce General Arrangement Drawing, Isometrics Drawing, assembly drawings with peening, Data Sheet and, in general, all the documentation required for approval by the End Customer.

For more information Contacts us.